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Learning Objectives:

The Shoulder OA Masterclass:
  1. Develop an understanding of the current trends and perspectives of managing common shoulder pathologies
  2. Understand the current challenges in managing shoulder pain
  3. Develop an understanding of Rotator Cuff and Osteoarthritis pathologies of the Shoulder Complex
  4. Learn to differentiate between Shoulder Pathology and Cervical Spine referred pain
  5. Learn what a thorough subjective assessment should entail
  6. Learn what an objective assessment should entail
  7. Develop a framework for rehabiltation of common shoulder pathologies in the "Older Shoulder"
The Shoulder Instability Masterclass:
  1. What Shoulder Instability is and why it underpins most insidious onset shoulder pain complaints
  2. Classifications of Shoulder Instability
  3. The subjective assessment of a patient presenting with shoulder pain
  4. The objective assessment of a patient with shoulder pain
  5. Evidence based rehabilitation for Shoulder Instability
  6. 5 clinical pearls from Tania and Sarah on the management of Shoulder instability and pain
  7. Graded Motor Imagery for persistent Shoulder pain