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Watch this free 15 minute preview where Dr Brady Green highlights the important components of his objective assessment when assessing patients with calf pain.

Learning Objectives

  1. Epidemiology of Calf Muscle Strain Injuries (CMSI) across different athletic populations
  2. The important differences between Gastrocnemius tears and Soleus tears in regards to mechanism of injury, return to training/sport and recurrence rates
  3. Differential Diagnoses of Calf pain
  4. Practical ways to effectively rehabilitate a CMSI in the Early Phase of rehabilitation
  5. Practical ways to effectively rehabilitate a CMSI in the Intermediate Phase of rehabilitation
  6. Practical ways to effectively rehabilitate CMSI in the Late Phase of rehabilitate
  7. How to introduce running following CMSI
  8. How to minimise risk of primary CMSI and recurrences

Choose a Pricing Option

Early Phase
Calf Rehab Options

From the acute phase of injury, Brady will walk you through what you need to know how to approrpiately diagnosis a CMSI, and what early interventions you should be looking to employ.

Intermediate Phase
Calf Rehab Options

Brady thoughfully and carefully explains the middle phases of CMSI rehab so that you're better equipped to build a good strength base with your athletes; and they're better prepared for the demands for running, sprinting and jumping.

Late Phase
Calf Rehab Options

CMSI recurrences are unfortunately all too common. But it doesnt have to be that way. Brady will share with you great strategies to help you successfully plan the late stages of rehab, and a successful return to sport.

Dr Brady Green

B.Physio | PhD

Brady is a physiotherapist at the Essendon Football Club, and is completing his PhD at La Trobe Sport and Exercise Medicine Research Centre. He has published works in calf and hamstring muscle strain injuries, and has presented research at national and international sports medicine conferences.

Dr Brooke Patterson

B.Physio | PhD

Dr Patterson is a physiotherapist and research fellow at the La Trobe University Sport and Exercise Medicine Research Centre. After working in a variety of public, private, and sports settings, she completed her PhD in 2020, investigating the risk of arthritis at a young age after ACL injury, and how physiotherapist-led interventions can help improve outcomes beyond the typical rehabilitation period.