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Check out some exercise progressions focusing on hip extension

Learning Objectives

  1. Develop an understanding of the structures that contribute to greater trochanteric pain syndrome (GTPS) and risk factors.
  2. Learn how to conduct a thorough subjective assessment with an understanding of the hallmark features of greater trochanteric pain syndrome.
  3. Learn the key physical tests to include in your objective assessment of GTPS and how to interpret assessment findings.
  4. Understand the clinical usefulness of imaging and its limitations.
  5. Develop an up-to-date understanding of the research and evidence regarding clinical management of GTPS, and how to incorporate education and exercise into management.
  6. Become aware of the current evidence regarding adjunct therapies and their role in GTPS management.

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Hallmark Features

Know the hallmark features of greater trochanteric pain syndrome to the improve the accuracy of your differential diagnosis.

Physical Tests

Learn the key physical tests to perform when objectively assessing lateral hip pain and what information they can give you.

Exercise & Education

Get confident in guiding your patients through rehab with exercise progressions from start to finish & education to promote self-management.

Dr Charlotte Ganderton

BHlthSc | MPhysioPrac (Hons) | PhD

Dr Charlotte Ganderton has a PhD in greater trochanteric pain syndrome. She has received numerous awards for her research and has published papers and presented at national conferences in the musculoskeletal management of the hip and shoulder. Charlotte is passionate about implementation science and strives to lead research in areas where direct improvements to clinical practice are possible. Charlotte aims to, through research, improve the healthcare knowledge and management of circus performers.

Her clinical career has included working with Matilda the Musical, Western Bulldogs VFL, Hockey Victoria, Mill Park Physiotherapy, LifeCare Sports Medicine, Cirque du Soleil’s Toruk - The First Flight, and SIX the Musical. Charlotte currently works in the Hip and Groin Clinic at Melbourne Orthopaedic Group Sports Medicine and is a Clinical Advisor for Worksafe.

Dr Rachael McMillan

BSc | MSc Biomed & HlthSc | MSc Physio | PhD

Dr Rachael McMillan (Cowan) is a Lecturer in Physiotherapy at La Trobe University, who practices clinically in Geelong, Victoria and with Football Australia (Australian Women’s National Football Teams). 

Rachael's PhD investigated gluteal tendon and muscle adaptations in active populations and those with pain, including a collaborative project with the Australian Ballet. Rachael has won multiple international and national awards for her research investigating hormone therapy and exercise as interventions for post-menopausal women with greater trochanteric pain syndrome/gluteal tendinopathy.