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Learn.Physio Practicals
NEW releases
Acute Low Back Pain - Part 2: Sub-Acute Stage - Dr Kellie Wilkie (46:17)
Acute Low Back Pain - Part 1: Acute Stage - Dr Kellie Wilkie (54:23)
Neck/Cervical Spine
Dry Needling for Cervical Torticollis ("Wry Neck") - Peter Selvaratnum (48:08)
Lumbar Spine
Assessing Core Endurance in Low Back Pained Patients - Ben Lustig (49:03)
Acute Low Back Pain - Part 1: Acute Stage - Dr Kellie Wilkie (54:23)
Acute Low Back Pain - Part 2: Sub-Acute Stage - Dr Kellie Wilkie (46:17)
Assessment of the Complex Shoulder - Tania Pizzari (52:26)
Hand Held Dynamometry of the Shoulder - Luke Perraton (39:49)
Rehab for Shoulder Instability - Tania Pizzari (67:02)
Return to Sport Post Shoulder Stabilisation - Dr Peter Edwards (64:28)
Hand & Wrist
Assessment, Treatment & Rehab of Wrist Injuries (Part 1) - Chris Brady (50:22)
Assessment, Treatment & Rehab of Wrist Injuries (Part 2) - Chris Brady (35:09)
Assessment of the Hip - Jo Kemp (46:21)
Rehab Strategies for Hip Pain - Jo Kemp (58:29)
Assessment & Rehab Considerations for Hamstring Strains - Ryan Timmins (56:05)
Soft Tissue Therapy for Posterior Thigh Pain - Stuart Hinds (43:01)
ACL Trouble Shooting - Mick Hughes (48:39)
Complex Knee Assessment with focus on Meniscal Injuries - Nigel Hartnett (47:29)
Hand Held Dynamometry of the Knee - Luke Perraton (45:15)
First Three Months Post ACLR (Part 1) - Mick Hughes (26:05)
First Three Months Post ACLR (Part 2) - Mick Hughes (36:54)
Return to Sport Testing Post ACLR - Mick Hughes (60:27)
Plyometric Prescription in ACLR Rehab - Matthew Buckthorpe (74:36)
Return to Running Post ACLR - Mick Hughes (67:05)
Hydrotherapy in ACL Rehab - Matthew Buckthorpe (82:12)
Strength & Biomechanical Assessment in ACL Rehab - Argell San Jose (73:02)
Patellofemoral Pain: Assessment & Rehab - Brad Beer (64:42)
ACL Prehab - Mick Hughes (82:16)
Hop Tests in ACL Rehab - Jay Ebert (53:09)
Foot, Ankle & Calf
Assessment & Management of Achilles Tendon Pain - Jill Cook (69:49)
Achilles Tendinopathy Rehab - Brad Beer (69:56)
Assessment & Management of Shin Splints - Brad Beer (70:37)
Plantar Heel Pain - Hamish Vickerman (63:00)
Managing the Unstable Ankle - Andrew Wynd (70:49)
Running Gait Analysis - Luke Nelson (46:47)
Upper Limb Taping Techniques - Mel Haberfield (35:19)
Lower Limb Taping Techniques - Mel Haberfield (54:30)
Padding & Offloading for Common Foot Pathologies - Nicki Quigley (38:36)
Injury Prevention
Injury Prevention Drills in Team Collision Sports - Brooke Patterson (48:19)
Injury Prevention Program Design for Team Sports - Amy Arundale (48:40)
Women's Health
Postnatal return to sport: beyond the 6 week check up - Chloe Lorback (46:18)
Bike Fit
Bike Fit Assessment - Paul Visentini (54:04)
Cross Education for Lower Limb Injuries - Claire Minshull (40:11)
Blood Flow Restriction Training - Claire Minshull (45:45)
Change of Direction and Agility in Court-Based Rehab - Tristan Chai (38:22)
Upcoming Practicals
April - Soft Tissue Therapy for the Elbow - Stuart Hinds
May - Luke Nelson - Proximal Hamstring Tendinopathy
May (BONUS) - Soft Tissue Therapy for the Knee - Stuart Hinds
Assessment & Management of Shin Splints - Brad Beer
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